Sed interdum massa lacus, a porttitor risus gravida sed. Nulla ultricies ex non sagittis vulputate. Integer fringilla convallis risus, id semper est interdum non.
Quisque molestie tristique nisi et luctus. Proin eget velit quis lorem euismod pulvinar. Phasellus lobortis tellus dignissim metus varius volutpat. Integer a lacus mauris.
Why NOW is the time to move ahead with replacing those old drafty windows
It is the time of year when our minds turn to enjoying the spoils of the season, family, friends and the impending holiday ahead. Though it is a glorious time of the year, it is also t [...]
What it means to be a lead certified contractor
Just recently, the state of North Carolina observed Lead-Safe Certified Renovators Day. You may have heard the term “lead certified” before. However, do you really understand what it m [...]
Charlotte exterior remodels that are giving the biggest return on investment in 2017
When it comes to home exterior remodels and renovations it is often difficult for Charlotte homeowners to figure out the best investment for their hard-earned dollar. This is especiall [...]
Thinking of improving your home’s exterior? Belk Builders will be at the Southern Ideal Home Show this weekend!
Are you ready to give the exterior of your Charlotte-area home a facelift? Are you thinking about upgrading your home's siding, roof or windows for better energy-efficiency? Or, maybe [...]
Belk Builders will be at The Southern Women’s Show this weekend — will you?
Out of all the home and trade shows Belk Builders participates in, the Southern Women's Show is one of the most creative, entertaining and inspiring. Home and trade shows are the best [...]
This South Charlotte home gets new siding and windows — adding tons of curb appeal!
One of our most recent home exterior projects takes Belk Builders to South Charlotte. The project included a full window replacement along with a full exterior siding replacement. Proj [...]
Sed venenatis urna sit amet vulputate lobortis. Nullam dolor sem, varius eu luctus vitae, mattis id dolor. Proin ultricies feugiat ipsum. Quisque lobortis risus sapien, quis pulvinar turpis placerat ut. Vivamus eu egestas est, commodo ultricies turpis. Donec a consequat nisi, non pellentesque risus. Fusce lacinia sem a mollis tempus. Etiam in sapien non odio ornare iaculis vel vel enim. Sed velit urna, pharetra non quam nec, consequat hendrerit ex. Phasellus ac rutrum diam.
9:00am – 6:00pm